Lenali Petrik

Lenali Petrik's Fundraiser

Donate to NOTES 2023 today! image

Donate to NOTES 2023 today!

Help Primo reach their goal by making a donation! By supporting the NOTES campaign, YOU ARE MAKING A DIFFERENCE!

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

$310 towards $500

My name is Lenali and I play the violin. I am trying to raise money for my orchestra, EYSO. At EYSO every year has a theme. this year as the theme is Design. The goal in EYSO is to help people grow in two ways

1. To grow socially

2. To grow musically

I love EYSO because of these two goals. I love that I can make friends while getting beater at music. I also love the staff that helps us there. One of the goal is to raise 54,500 dollars with only 400 students. EYSO hopes that each person can get at least 175 dollars. I am trying to get more than that to help EYSO. I hope that you help EYSO by donating!