Ila Chakravarthy

Ila Chakravarthy's Fundraiser

Please donate to the EYSO Notes Campaign! image

Please donate to the EYSO Notes Campaign!

Donating will not only help the Prelude Ensemble reach its goal, but will benefit the entire organization and its students!

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

$150 towards $500

Would you or someone you know be willing to donate to EYSO?

Dear letter recipient,

I am a student of the group known as Elgin Youth Symphony Orchestra, EYSO for short. EYSO is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing the opportunity of playing in an orchestra to gifted young musicians. The ensembles teach musicality, skill, and the values of teamwork in a setting that students are passionate about. This year, like every, EYSO is holding its one and only fundraiser, the Notes Campaign. As a non-profit - aside from tuition funds- they depend on donations from families to continue providing students with the resources they need to learn and grow. I am here asking you to kindly provide a donation through the link provided in this letter. Remember, quantity does not matter. Everything counts and anything helps during this, to say the least, peculiar time.

This has been my first year at EYSO and I can already tell you of the impact it’s had on my life. Regardless of the interesting (once again, to say the least) circumstances we’ve been provided this year, EYSO has given me a safe way to continue cultivating my passion and to be a part of something bigger than myself. The teachers and conductors are so incredibly welcoming and helpful, and anyone can fit seamlessly into the environment of the orchestra. Please feel free to share this message with anyone, as EYSO is always looking for new young musicians to join their ensembles. Remember, every little donation helps! I hope this letter finds you well, and thank you for your patience.

Ila Chakravarthy, Prelude Ensemble & Chamber Music Institute.

P.S. Hear EYSO students perform! Click here for the season schedule or click here to view video clips on our YouTube channel!